Intermountain Summer Newsletter 2024
July 9, 2024

CEO Reflections
Recently, Intermountain Centers, and its affiliates, celebrated with the acquisition of Rio Salado Behavioral Health Systems. Like any project, site, or affiliate we take under our umbrella, this was a careful conversation that took extensive planning, deliberation, and a deep inspection as to how this would further extend our impact with that state’s most vulnerable, at-risk, and underserved communities. If I could thank everyone who is supporting the process of merging Rio Salado staff and operations into our family, it would probably span the length of this newsletter. Needless to say, we are delighted and wish to welcome the Rio Salado family into our own. The addition of Rio Salado into our family creates additional opportunity in reaching new communities and extends deeper into the ones we are already serving in the Phoenix area. Through collaboration, teamwork, and remaining focused on our mission, we can do great things for those who need us most.
Just as summer has an intensity to it, so does Intermountain’s commitment to making the communities we live in stronger and healthier. We must always acknowledge that it is the work of our staff who move this organization of families in becoming the premier health and human services provider for all.
Thank you to every one of you who keep this ship on its course. Our mission lives and breathes because of you. Enjoy your summer and remember there are fewer things more valuable in Arizona than good sunscreen.

-Rose Lopez, Chief Executive Officer
‘Round the ‘Mountain: News and Updates
A New Chapter Begins
We are thrilled to announce that Rio Salado Behavioral Health ( will be joining Intermountain Centers as an affiliate this summer. This partnership marks a significant milestone in our ongoing mission to provide comprehensive, compassionate, and accessible behavioral health services across Arizona. Read more here.
Planting the Seeds for Transforming Generations
The power of gardens are often underestimated. The late actress Audrey Hepburn once said, “To plant a garden is to dream of tomorrow.” On the community level, gardens bring people together. They create a gathering space where a shared vision of growth can be contributed to, a powerful metaphor especially in troubled times. Read more here.
Birds of a Feather
Arizona is known for many things. Scorching summers. Majestic sunsets. Sweeping panoramas of saguaros. But…ostriches? Read more here.
Changing the Landscape of Arizona’s Healthcare System
An average trip to the emergency room costs $500, a cost that either AHCCCS or the public healthcare system will shoulder. As the one of the state’s largest nonprofits, and one of the most impactful health and human services organizations in Arizona, Intermountain has a history of innovation that shapes the landscape of Arizona’s healthcare system. Read more here.
A Community Closet for All
Every day many of our members face difficult decisions, such as the choice between clothing for children and affording food. Intermountain’s Community Closet at IHC South is a solution that turns the tide on so many difficult decisions our members face daily. Read more here.